SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Overlay Model PX342
Whiteboard technology needs very little introduction. From preschool
education to corporate meetings, the technology of interactive touch
over application image maximizes presentations, planning and
instruction. You can save any notes you make on the screen, send them
to a printer or email. With your finger as the mouse you are in
complete control. The included pens and eraser are compatible with Ink
Aware applications.
The Smart Board Technologies model PX342 is designed to mount in front
of a 42 inch LCD or plasma display. This unit comes complete with
adjustable mount, markers, eraser, cables, pen tray and power kit for
North American power. We have only one to offer and it has never been
out of the box.
The factory specifications and features can be viewed in
Adobe Acrobat Format here.
A fact sheet is also available as a manufacturer's brochure.
Most important is compatibility with the PX342 fitting your flatscreen.
The manufacturer states: " The mounting bracket has an adjustable
depth feature to accommodate most 42" flat panels installed in
landscape orientation."
sure to check for your brand and model by clicking the link here.
Many people on YOUTUBE
are sharing their use of whiteboard technology.
This is your
opportunity to own a SMART Board at a substantial savings. You
will find the PX342 selling for $2500.00 to $3200.00, but at The Surplus
Server this one
can be yours at our low buy-it-now price.
Only: $ 1595.00