Birsch Knock OutFood ServiceCleaner/Degreaser
The manufacturer says this: "Non-butyl heavyweight degreaser for removal of grease, oil, mildew, and other kitchen stains. Destroys odors. Soap-free. Will not corrode aluminum or other soft metals. Non-fuming. No flash point." Minimum order one case (4 gallons). Or save over 30% here!
Or save over 30% here!
Only: $ 10.99 Unit: 1 Gal Jug (4/case) In Stock: 1 Each
Cahn 25AutomaticElectrobalance Only: $ 1495.00
Thermal Fax Paper,8 1/2" x 98' 1" Core Only: $ 9.95
AT&T Merlin Legend012 w/Ring Gen Only: $ 129.95
Perkin-ElmerLambda 800 UV-VISSpectrophotometer Only: $ 19995.00
Server Rack Only: $ 195.00