HP 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer
This HP 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer is in excellent condition and functions perfectly. It features a dual-channel fast Fourier transform-based network, spectrum and waveform analyzer and is capable of performing its analysis capabilities in both time and frequency domains. The unit operates from 0 Hz. through 100 kHz. with a 150 dB measurement range and 80 dB dynamic range. It features two high performance input channels and an integral signal source, generating sine and noise signals. The frequency resolution is to 25.6 µHz. For transient, or waveform analysis, signals can be sampled, digitized and stored internally, or exported via the HP-IB interface to an external disc drive. An external computer is not required for this function. There are too many features to mention! Suffice it to say that the HP 3562A is a powerful analysis tool for use on the bench, or in the field addressing electronics and electro-mechanical issues. Search the web for a plethora of information. There are lots of sites which say many good things about this system! Then, come back here, buy, and save big!!!
Only: $ 2995.00