Stratasys FDM-8000 Rapid Prototyping System
The Stratasys FDM-8000 rapid prototyping system generates 3D stereolithographic physical models directly from CAD files in a matter of hours. The Stratasys patented Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process builds models in ultra-thin layers, from strong polycarbonate, ABS plastic, epoxy resin, or investment casting wax to produce fully functional prototypes. The FDM-8000 prototype system can be used in any office environment, without special venting. It offers manufacturers and researchers the ability to make quick technological advancements by immediate production of functional prototypes. Designed for increased capacity, the FDM 8000 offers the extra flexibility of building larger prototypes, tooling patterns, and masters effectively. It is capable of handling large parts up to 457 x 457 x 609 mm, with a surface roughness of only 5 - 25 µm.
If you have a fast internet connection, check out this cool
showing the process in action!
Then, buy it here, at SurplusServer prices, and save big!!!
Only: $ 29995.00