Beckman GenomyxLR DNA Sequencer
review states: "The genomyxLR DNA Sequencing System was the flagship product of Genomyx Corporation (Foster City, Calif.), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of
. The genomyxLR provides long-read, high-resolution isotopic DNA sequencing and differential display. According to Genomyx, the resolving power and long-read capability of this system stem from a proprietary method of maintaining uniform temperature throughout the 61 x 33 cm gel during electrophoresis. The "air impingement" method of temperature control employs a patterned array of air delivery jets that allows optimum control of gel temperature, eliminating band diffusion, smiling, and other distortions. This method permits voltage and temperature to operate independently of one another during electorophoresis, allowing long, low-voltage runs, which increase resolving power. The genomyxLR features integral microprocessor control, internal gel drying, and a 3,500-volt power supply with safety interlocks. The Isotope Capture Cartridge (ICCTM) automatically isolates liquid radioactive waste for subsequent disposal."
This unit is in excellent condition and ready to use in your lab. Of course, priced thousands below our competitors!
Only: $ 995.00