Semiautomatic Stretch Wrapping Machine
What the manufacturer says:"
Compact design uses little floor space.
Overhead spiral wrapping for unstable loads
Built rugged for industrial environments
Reliable UL listed microprocessor controller
Accu-stretch prestretch for film economy
Whatever your load type, whatever your mounting configuration, you can count on the Cobra III semiautomatic stretch wrapping machine to get the job done. The Cobra III was design specifically for that canīt be moved or rotated during wrapping because of their stability or shape. The Cobra is perfect for loads that are light, fragile, extra heavy or unstable."
Now... This unit was removed from service, fully operational, when a major warehouse closed up shop. It is in excellent condition and includes the self supporting floor stand option ($$$). Thus, it can be quickly and easily relocated without studding your floor. New, this baby will cost you over $12,000, as equipped.
Then buy here and save over 50% !!!
Only: $ 5995.00